Tell me your story
Tell me your story

tell me your story

In other words, they engage people in interpreting why they should change their world - their motivation - and how they can act to change it - their strategy. Leaders employ both the “head” and the “heart” in order to mobilize others to act effectively on behalf of shared values. Each of us has a compelling story to tell that can move others. It is an ongoing discussion process through which individuals, communities and nations construct their identity, make choices and inspire action.

tell me your story

Your story is the “why” of organizing - the art of translating values into action through stories. Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools organizers can use to unite a movement.

tell me your story

They’re about figuring out what is good.” - Marshall Ganz And they’re not just about redistributing the goods. They tell stories, because they are not just about rearranging economics and politics. What is it? The sooner you stop defining yourself by your status, the sooner you can spot the beautiful narrative you’re creating and communicate it to others.“Movements have narratives.


If I sent you a few bullets on schools attended or subjects studied, would they be as compelling an intro as something like, “She’s the girl who is obsessed with word-play and since childhood has been trying to be a well-known writer”, or, “He’s the guy who left his desk job to climb mountains barefoot because he was so tired of all his health problems”, or, “She’s the girl who’s trying to figure out how to use design to improve people’s moods”? Contrast that to the inspiring, unforgettable power of the same facts in story form.


If you described the movie The Matrix with the typical cocktail party status approach it’d be a few bullet points like, “Guy quits job. It’s a description of the theme playing out in your world. It’s not a summary of past accomplishments or even current activities. It’s the narrative arc of your life, your motivations, your goals, what wakes you up in the morning, and why you do what you do. Your story is fun, entertaining, unexpected, and lively. It conveys nothing really unique that gets to the core of the person, or the animating force behind their actions and ideas. A status is a static snapshot of a handful of labels attached to a person based on some institutions or external standards. So is, “Married, salesperson, lives in Ohio”, or, “Studying business at USC”. “Oh, he’s a graduate student” is a status. When I think of the most interesting and talented people I know, I think of their story. It’s the drama of your own life as you see it playing out. It’s the narrative of your past, present, and expected future. All of these things might play a part in their story, but story implies something much broader and more personal. It’s more interesting to me than typical questions about education, major, city of origin, job title, or sports team.

tell me your story

I like to ask people when I meet them, “What’s your story?”

Tell me your story